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Absence Series: Part 2. Public Sector versus Private Sector sickness levels

This is the second blog in the Absence Series, the last focused on the definition of absence, long term versus short term absence and the impact on the business. This one will look at the difference between public sector and private sector organisations in relation to sickness absence. By Tim Frear “On average public sector […]

February 26, 2018


Is it time for an Employee Survey?

In this blog, Nuhman discusses how to conduct an effective employee survey. By Nuhman Sharif As a manager, director or business owner, one of the questions on your mind might be ‘how happy are my employees?’ Obviously, it wouldn’t be appropriate to simply walk up to Ellie in Accounts and ask if she likes working for […]

February 23, 2018


Can Stars be Made?

As managers, we all hope that we can find a ‘diamond in the rough’ that we can polish and shine into a superstar who rises through the ranks to be someone we really depend on in our company.  If we’re honest, even though it can take some work, we’d rather have this than trying to […]

February 21, 2018


End of Financial Year Bonuses: To Pay or not to Pay?

As we approach the end of the financial year, many businesses will be paying their employees a bonus for their hard work and dedication whilst in other businesses, no bonuses will be paid at all. So, the question here is, as SME owners, should you pay your employees an end of year bonus or not? […]

February 19, 2018


Is the Annual Pay Rise Dead?

Annual pay rises for many companies seem to be disappearing into the distant past. Isobel discusses why this could be. By Isobel Hallam A recent CIPD report stated that since January 2009 average weekly earnings had fallen between 8 and 10.2% dependant on which measure of inflation was used. For employees, this is a big […]

February 16, 2018


What are Reasonable Adjustments?

The Equality Act 2010 states employers have a duty to make reasonable adjustments to ensure employees with a disability are not treated less favourably at work because of their disability. We get asked regularly by our clients what is a reasonable adjustment and how far do we have to go? Tim discusses.  By Tim Frear […]

February 14, 2018


Great Investigations – Getting it Right from the Start

In Part 1 of this blog series, we looked at the pitfalls of investigations and what happens when things go wrong. In Part 2, Becky discusses how we can put that into practice. By Becky Mee Why have an investigation? The purpose of an investigation is to: Gather as many facts as possible. Get as […]

February 8, 2018


Effective Investigations Part 1: When Investigations go Wrong and the Pitfalls of Jumping to Conclusions

Conducting an investigation, whether formal or informal, is essential before any action is taken. Becky explains why. By Becky Mee We’ve all been in situations where an incident occurs, and thinking we know what’s happened, we jump in to discipline someone. We know they’ve done it and there’s no point wasting time. Then the employee […]

February 5, 2018


How to be Proactive with HR

It can be hard to plan ahead when it comes to HR, as you’ll inevitably spend a large amount of your time reacting to unexpected situations in your business. But being proactive, where possible, can really help strengthen your processes. Simon shares his tips on how to be more proactive. By Simon Underwood The petrol […]

February 2, 2018


Never Miss Out on a Great Idea Again

The best ideas can come from the most unusual places, but how can you make sure you don’t miss out? Becky shares some tips on how to collect your employees’ bright ideas. By Becky Mee Pub quiz question for you: How did the London Underground Tube map come about? Well those of you who are […]

January 31, 2018


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