At HR180 we pride ourselves on taking the stress out of HR by doing things for you, however, should you wish to find out more yourself, this is the place! Useful articles, latest HR news, our quarterly bulletin and links to other helpful organisations are all here at the touch of a button.

Absence Series Part 3: Reasons for it and how to create a healthy culture

‘Minor illness remains the top cause of short-term absence for most organisations. Stress and acute medical conditions are most commonly responsible for long-term absence’. Here’s Tim part 3 of our Absence Series. By Tim Frear How do we tackle the minor illness short term absences? Is offering a flu vaccination the only thing we can […]

March 26, 2018


Why having HR on the Board can really bring you Benefits!

In her latest blog, Becky explains how considering HR in your future business plans can bring real benefits. By Becky Mee Is your HR an after thought or so part of your everyday thinking you no longer realise you’re doing it? Well, whilst we’d love you to say the latter, the chances are it’s the former […]

March 21, 2018


When can Mediation Help?

In this blog, Becky outlines the difference between mediation and facilitation and when mediation can help. By Becky Mee When people talk about mediation, there’s a sinking feeling, a rolling of eyes and some knowing looks. You know things have got out of hand and it’s the equivalent of the referee stepping into the boxing […]

March 19, 2018


Are you Scared of your Trade Union Rep?

Are you nervous at the thought of meeting with a trade union rep? In this blog, Laura tells you why you haven’t got anything to worry about! By Laura Rigby I recall the first time an employee advised me that they were bringing a trade union representative to support them in a formal meeting. It […]

March 14, 2018


Conduct or Capability

Have you ever wondered why a job isn’t being done correctly or to the standard you need and why the person allocated the role isn’t doing what you have asked them to do?  If so, it’s worth evaluating whether it’s a conduct or capability issue. Tim shares his knowledge. By Tim Frear With all underperformance, […]

March 13, 2018


Job Exodus Survey: How to Encourage your Employees to Stay Put

An unsettling 47% of employees nationwide want to change jobs, so how can you encourage them to stay? Simon shares his tips. By Simon Underwood We’ve all seen it, a member of your team leaves their job and suddenly everyone realises what they brought to the group. Whether it’s being the only one that knows […]

March 9, 2018


How to Be a Great Man in 2018

Simon writes a letter to his younger self with his tips on how to be a great man in 2018. Tasked with writing this blog I felt a little awkward bandying around life advice like some sort of jumped up oracle. Though admittedly I do feel as though I have overcome some difficult hurdles and […]

March 9, 2018


How HR Savvy is your Management Team?

Would you trust your management team to deal with a complex HR issue? Could they have a sensitive conversation, without putting their foot in it? Isobel explains how to ensure your management team is HR savvy. By Isobel Hallam Lots of companies spend hours devising policies and procedures that align with their values, are jargon […]

March 8, 2018


Three Books every Manager should Read

To celebrate World Book Day 2018, Claire shares three books every manager MUST read.   By Claire Morley-Jones So, whilst preparing my two four-year olds for the shenanigans of World Book Day, I decided that I should use the auspices of such an event to recommend some books for you all!  Nope, not the sort of […]

March 1, 2018


Performance Review Series Part 2: How to conduct them successfully

Part 1 of the Performance Reviews Series gave an overview of what they are and the various formats they can take. In this blog, Isobel looks at how to successfully embed performance reviews into a business and ensure that they have a positive impact, rather than being seen as just a tick box exercise! By […]

February 28, 2018


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