At HR180 we pride ourselves on taking the stress out of HR by doing things for you, however, should you wish to find out more yourself, this is the place! Useful articles, latest HR news, our quarterly bulletin and links to other helpful organisations are all here at the touch of a button.

HR180’s Educational Guide

The year is already whizzing away and we’re now half way through February, when did that happen!? Here at HR180 we have been considering our goals for the year and we’re sure that you have been too, but have considered how your HR fits into it all? Well, we might be able to help you […]

February 10, 2023


questions-about-returning-your-employees-to-work5 questions about returning your employees to work – answered

Many people are keen to get back to the office and a normal routine, but understandably there are concerns. As an employer, it’s not always easy to find practical advice. Feeling like you’ve got more questions than answers? Claire is here to answer 5 of them.

September 17, 2020


Bringing back effective 1-2-1’s after lockdown

After a period of home working, no working, and all around weirdness – 121’s are more important than ever! The 121 is arguably the best way for a manager to connect with their teams, uncover pressing issues, and ensure that employees are working towards their goals, both at work, and in life! As teams have […]

July 22, 2020


New Starters… During a Lockdown

In these crazy times it has been difficult for many people to adjust to working from home. What’s even more difficult is if you are starting a new job and your first day is at home. Across the world people are currently facing their first days this way …..a very weird concept! Companies are now […]

April 2, 2020


Is Your Job Ad Smartphone Compatible?

In a weird kind of paradox, there’s a general consensus that we’re too addicted to our mobile phones these days (mobile phone detox anyone?) and yet, it’s also becoming increasingly apparent that we still use our phones for EVERYTHING!  Personally, I think I’d be more distraught if I lost my phone versus my purse! And […]

March 22, 2020


Making the ‘first day fear’ as painless as possible

Your first week in a new job can easily become stressful and full of panic – but only if you don’t make sure that you’re totally prepared for your first day in your new role. As the newest member of HR180’s super team, here’s my top tips on how I managed the ‘first-day fear’. Be […]

March 9, 2020


Supporting Women in the Workplace

This week, we’re celebrating the women in our workplace with #IWD right around the corner – and whilst supporting the women in your teams should go far past infinity and BEYOND, International Women’s Day seems like a great place to start. Empower your employees Make sure to always encourage an inclusive culture, where everyone knows […]

March 5, 2020


The Benefits of Great Workplace Design

Goodbye dated decor, hello inspirational interior… There’s no denying that office design has come on leaps and bounds in recent years – no more stuffy carpets, grey walls and echoing silence! However, workplace design is so much more than desktops and drawers. Your office space is a reflection of your business, the way that you […]

February 25, 2020


Keeping your company culture sweet around Valentine’s Day

Here’s our top tips on how to keep your company culture sweet on and around Valentine’s Day, to avoid any HR heartache! Spread the Love! Small acts of kindness can really go a long way, especially if your colleagues may be going through a hard time or feeling a little lonely underneath all of the […]

February 12, 2020


How #DryJanuary can benefit more than just your health…

If you’re like us and you’ve sat back at your desk in January in a pair of veeeerrry tight trousers – listen up. For those of you joining the masses this January and vowing to quit the booze after a month of overindulgence, it’s not all bad news. It’s been proven that participating in #DryJan […]

December 20, 2019


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