At HR180 we pride ourselves on taking the stress out of HR by doing things for you, however, should you wish to find out more yourself, this is the place! Useful articles, latest HR news, our quarterly bulletin and links to other helpful organisations are all here at the touch of a button.

Dismissal Series: Part 2 – What is Wrongful Dismissal?

In part 2 of our Dismissal Series, Laura explains what is meant by a wrongful dismissal. By Laura Hayden My first blog in this series talked about unfair dismissal and the five fair reasons for terminating an employee’s contract. It’s a statutory right not to be unfairly dismissed. But what if the reason is fair […]

October 29, 2018


Servant Leadership: What is it and what are the benefits?

In this blog, Laura explains what we mean by ‘servant leadership’ and what the benefits are of this model. By Laura Higson-Kirrane   Over the years, leadership styles have continued to develop and diversify (thankfully!) Moving far away from more traditional, authoritarian ‘stick’ leadership methodologies, the modern world of work has adapted a much more […]

October 18, 2018


How to create an e-learning course worth shouting about

Our e-learning designer, Molly, shares her thoughts on how to create an engaging e-learning course. By Molly Finnigan   Oooh you’re completing an e-learning course, how exciting! Said no-one ever… Work 9-5 Cook tea Pick kids up from school Coffee with a friend E-learning course…!?   Our to-do lists these days are never ending, there’s […]

October 12, 2018


Creating success through 360 degree feedback

Becky digs deep into the 360 degree feedback model and how it can be a very powerful development tool when done properly! By Becky Mee “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” As the Evil Queen in Snow White found out, asking for feedback doesn’t always give you what you […]

October 8, 2018


HR time and moneyHR Support Saves Time and Money!

In her latest blog, Kim tells you why HR support saves you time and money. By Kim Mills HR can be a minefield! Recruiting, training, motivating, promoting, disciplining, monitoring, processing – the list goes on. And not to mention employment law! You also need to be on the ball with new legislation and make sure […]

October 2, 2018


Why SMEs need access to an HR Pro

We get asked this question regularly: ‘what exactly do you do for small businesses?’ Well, as an outsourced Human Resources partner we do a number of things that help, protect, and develop small businesses. Here are Tim’s top five reasons why SMEs need an HR pro. By Tim Frear   Help the business achieve their […]

September 26, 2018


Managers make mistakes too!

In her latest blog, Laura explains why it’s okay for managers to make mistakes and how they can actually be a good thing! By Laura Hayden Hands up if you’re a manager and you feel an underlying expectation to be perfect all the time because you set the example for your direct reports and they rely […]

September 24, 2018


Can you be friends with your employees?

There’s a fine line between being friendly with your employees and being so close that you have a conflict of interest! In her latest blog, Kim looks at how you can get the balance right. By Kim Mills Being a manager can get lonely. You’re privileged to a lot of sensitive information and are often […]

September 21, 2018


Top Tips for Managing Underperformance

In his latest blog, Nuhman shares his top tips for managing underperformance. By Nuhman Sharif It can be challenging as a line manager to pull someone up for underperforming, particularly if you tend to shy away from these difficult conversations. However, underperformance can’t be ignored, as the longer you leave it, the more complicated it […]

September 14, 2018


Spot the difference between an employee and a contractor

Do you know the difference between an employee and a contractor? If not, you’d better brush up on your terminology, as there are vital differences between the two that you’ll need to consider when hiring for a new position. By Laura Higson-Kirrane When working for a HR outsourcing business, one of the most commonly asked […]

September 10, 2018


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