At HR180 we pride ourselves on taking the stress out of HR by doing things for you, however, should you wish to find out more yourself, this is the place! Useful articles, latest HR news, our quarterly bulletin and links to other helpful organisations are all here at the touch of a button.

7 tips on how to build good relationships with work colleagues and clients.

Our HR Assistant Simon Underwood shares his top tips on how to build positive relationships with both colleagues and clients. By Simon Underwood “Can you do an offer letter for Rod.” asks Laura. “Can you do a contract for Jane” asks Tim “Put together a briefing note for Freddy” asks Claire. This is an example […]

October 16, 2017


How to Support a Colleague Suffering from Cancer

Cancer is a scary word. Naturally, we empathise with anyone suffering from this horrendous disease. For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Laura discusses how to deal with cancer in the workplace. By Laura Rigby The Fundamentals The Equality Act automatically protects a person with cancer as it’s considered a disability. They may or may not be […]

October 10, 2017


Domestic Violence – How Employers can help tackle the problem

More than 1 in 4 women and around 1 in 6 men experience domestic abuse at some point in their life – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Domestic violence affects thousands of people every day, with a huge proportion of it left unreported, particularly in regards to male victims’ as such a […]

October 4, 2017


Ditching cigarettes is not just better for your health, but for your business too

In aid of this year’s Stoptober, Becky offers up her experience of how quitting smoking can improve a team and a business. By Becky Mee I’ll admit it; I’m a reformed ‘Fag Ash Lil’. Plus, I’m also one of those ex-smokers who has managed to quit by will power alone, though I have fallen off […]

October 2, 2017


Learning on the job – Trinity McQueen style

Following on from Becky Mee’s blog ‘6 top tips to help SMEs break traditional training rules’, our client Laura Morris from Trinity McQueen discusses her company’s approach to training. By Laura Morris Trinity McQueen are a medium-sized market research agency employing 40 people across two offices in Leeds and London. Our business is fast-paced and […]

September 28, 2017


6 top tips to help SMEs break traditional training rules

Everyone knows that training and development is an essential tool to help companies thrive in their sector. However in many businesses, finding the time and motivation for training courses can seem like a chore, with pressures like time and money often getting in the way of employee development. So is it possible for you to […]

September 27, 2017


What to look for in a good CV

  Today I looked through 87 CV’s, with a view to short listing down to 6 hopefuls. At first I thought it would interesting to see all the different skills available and the different way people chose to present themselves in CV form.  After about 40 CV’s of differing quality I realised a few home […]

September 11, 2017


An important step taken by Lloyds Bank for its customers with cancer

On the way home from work today I was listening to 5live which is my usual radio station of choice and I was highly impressed by the new service Lloyds Bank has introduced to its customers with cancer. Essentially, Lloyds has recognised that when somebody is diagnosed with cancer and has to face quite daunting […]

September 6, 2017


The Benefits of Open Communication

As the saying goes “sharing is caring”. But why is it that so many businesses are struck with a fear of communication? Time after time we see the same complaints from business owners and nine times out of ten, communication is the crux of the issue. I often think that clear, concise, open and empathetic […]

September 4, 2017


job recruitment promotion potentialAssessing Potential: How does your workforce measure up?

Planning for succession within your organisation can be fraught with controversy! Do you bring experienced people in (if you are in the right place to put together an attractive package spend valuable time and money recruiting the right person)? Or would it be a better investment to promote from inside? And if so how do […]

August 31, 2017


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