At HR180 we pride ourselves on taking the stress out of HR by doing things for you, however, should you wish to find out more yourself, this is the place! Useful articles, latest HR news, our quarterly bulletin and links to other helpful organisations are all here at the touch of a button.

You mean there’s HR on board a Cruise Ship? Opening a ship.

Following Becky Mee’s blog post detailing her experience of ‘closing’ the Celebrity Mercury, (an 1,890 passenger and 850 crew cruise ship) and transferring her to a sister brand, TUI, our HR Partner, Tim Frear, gives us a mirror image – opening a ship – with Reflecting on Reflection! By Tim Frear What ‘opening’ a cruise ship taught me about […]

July 20, 2017


Celebrate difference…it’s not a threat

Is it possible to have a unique, clear culture within a company that people are happy to conform with even though they are from completely different backgrounds, genders, faiths, politics and abilities? Founder and MD of HR180, Claire Morley-Jones believes we can, that difference should be celebrated, particularly as there are so many hidden benefits […]

July 17, 2017


5 a day? 10 a day? Get away!

In part one of his health related blog, HR180’s HR Assistant, Nuhman Sharif, takes a wry look at the most up to date Government guidance on the correct number of portions of fruit and veg we should eat daily. By Nuhman Sharif I was rather perplexed to find that I perhaps was not eating enough […]

July 17, 2017


Hiring really talented people – and how to keep them!

Earlier this year Claire Morley-Jones was asked to be a PlusNet Pioneer to share her extensive knowledge of HR with business start-ups and SMEs in the early stages in growth. An earlier blog relates Claire’s experiences mentoring the MD and founder of tech business, SeenIt, Emily Forbes. Emily’s company is experiencing a high level of growth, just […]

July 13, 2017


What’s Up with using WhatsApp at work?

Companies are always looking for different ways to engage their teams and encourage them to interact with the brand. Social media is a great platform for this, and company Facebook and Twitter presences are increasingly the norm. However, what is the role of other forms of social media in the wider engagement game? And, how can […]

July 10, 2017


Anyone for tennis: Which umpiring skills transfer to business?

As the tennis world’s eyes turn to the All England Lawn Tennis And Croquet Club, Wimbledon, this coming Monday (3 July 2017) we take a look at what the skills of a Lawn Tennis Association Umpires transfer to business. (Credit due to BBC website!) He who shouts loudest It turns out that those with the loudest […]

June 30, 2017


HR policies, social media, Leeds, YorkshireThe good (and the bad) of work based Snapchat and how to manage it

Companies are always looking for different ways to engage their teams and encourage them to interact with the brand. Social media is a great platform for this, and company Facebook and Twitter presences are increasingly the norm. However, what is the role of other forms of social media in the wider engagement game? And, how can […]

June 28, 2017

read more... business HR tipsCoalition talks informing business: 6 top tips to help you lead disparate groups at work

The general election is fast becoming a distant memory for us but, at this point in time (late June 2017) the talks between the Conservatives and the DUP continue as the Conservatives try to forge a coalition government. If the two do join forces, whilst there are many similarities in goals, aims and objectives, they have […]

June 26, 2017


Reverse Sexism Men in WorkplaceTackling Reverse Sexism in the Workplace

Our HR Assistant, Simon Underwood, has a wide range of work experience from male dominated businesses to HR180, where the team is predominantly female, so who better to look into the matter of reverse sexism in the workplace – reverse sexism defined in this case where men are the object of sexist remarks. It can be a […]

June 23, 2017


Dogs in the office, stress reief, HR, Outsourced, ConsultantsHow a four-legged friend may improve your business productivity

Ours are so important they’re even on the Gaffer’s official HR180 photo! So why have Office Dogs? Our HR Partner, Ellie Garnett, looks at why our four-legged friends are part of the HR180 team and what other SME businesses can learn from our experiences. By Ellie Garnett   “Woof, woof!!” I have been on the […]

June 21, 2017


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