At HR180 we pride ourselves on taking the stress out of HR by doing things for you, however, should you wish to find out more yourself, this is the place! Useful articles, latest HR news, our quarterly bulletin and links to other helpful organisations are all here at the touch of a button.

business relocation role of HRRelocation, Relocation, Relocation: HR smoothes the way

In the era of flexible and remote working spaces, there remain vastly more businesses which require ‘solid’ premises. There are a range of reasons why a company may move: to expand the operation in growth or when merging with another operation, to save on costs in harder times as well as move to enterprise zones […]

August 29, 2017


SME business tips engaging Millennials in the workplace HRTop 3 Take Aways for SMEs: engaging Millennials in the workplace

Over the past few years the HR180 blog pages (and numerous other articles) discussed  Millennials not really engaging with traditional workplaces. If your workforce is not allied to your business culture, what will keep employees coming to work? And if by 2020, 50% of the workforce will be Millennials, how can SME employers motivate this massive sector […]

August 24, 2017


HR outsourcing, consultancy, mentoring, SME, Business10 ideas to guide a successful mentoring programme

This spring Claire Morley-Jones helped start-up business founder Emily Forbes through the Plusnet Pioneers mentoring programme (see our earlier blog). What about for your business – could a mentoring programme work for you? Claire tells us more about what a good mentoring programme might look like for an SME. By Claire Morley-Jones A mentoring programme can […]

August 22, 2017


How employee engagement can add £££ to your bottom line

Employee engagement is the emotional commitment that an employee has towards an organisation. Quite easily confused with employee satisfaction, Claire Morley-Jones (with help from Korn Ferry Hay Group’s Talent Q) looks at how employee engagement can truly be aligned to business goals and culture. By Claire Morley-Jones As an SME owner or manager looking to […]

August 16, 2017


Ten building blocks for a better business team

With team building being good for business, there are many ways and means to bring people together to work better. The team at HR180 had an amazing ‘away day’ in the woods led by Ecotherapist, Hayley Gillard, this spring, for example.  On a day-to-day basis, what can SME owners and managers do to make their […]

August 8, 2017


Treating people like people, holiday policies, tips for businessTreating employees as adults: unlimited holidays?

As schools are in the midst of the 6 week break, many people will have their focus set on their summer holidays – one or at the most two weeks away from work in the sun… What if you could choose to take the whole 6 weeks off? Or perhaps a month off at Christmas to […]

August 2, 2017


Business tips, SME, summer holidays, employee wellbeingTen Tips for Summer Friday Fun in your SME business

With the summer firmly upon us, a few of the team have already enjoyed a week or two in the sun and it has been suggested  in the office that, after a holiday break, employees could really do with a phased return to work to get back into the swing! Whilst we’d be up for […]

July 28, 2017


I’m not your mate, I’m your work colleague!

HR180’s HR Assistant, Simon Underwood, has had a wealth of experience working with and managing others. Here he shares some experiences and points out why it might not be such a good idea for bosses and employees to be over friendly! By Simon Underwood Many years ago one of my workplaces recruited a new manager. Some […]

July 26, 2017


5 a day 10 a day employee wellbeing5 (or 10!) a day: What role should employers play in employee health?

In part one of his health related blog, HR180’s HR Assistant, Nuhman Sharif, took a wry look at the most up to date Government guidance on the correct number of portions of fruit and veg we should eat daily. In this, part 2 in the mini series, Nuhman considers the role employers should play in […]

July 24, 2017


HR, confidentiality, lessons from TrumpYou mean there’s HR on board a Cruise Ship? Closing a ship.

In this two-parter HR Partner, Becky Mee tells first hand all about life on board a cruise ship from an HR perspective, in association with her friend, former Celebrity Cruise colleague and current co-worker, Tim Frear.  In this blog, Becky outlines the stages of ‘closing’ a ship and the lessons for any business, especially where a […]

July 20, 2017


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