At HR180 we pride ourselves on taking the stress out of HR by doing things for you, however, should you wish to find out more yourself, this is the place! Useful articles, latest HR news, our quarterly bulletin and links to other helpful organisations are all here at the touch of a button.

How to Avoid these Onboarding Pitfalls

In this blog, Laura discusses the common mistakes to avoid when onboarding in a new organisation. By Laura Hayden An effective onboarding process is crucial for providing new hires with the tools and know-how to achieve a fruitful career within a company. Whilst many employers do their best with this stage of the employment lifecycle, […]

July 26, 2018


10 Things to Think about when Picking HR Software

Choosing HR software is challenging. There’s a minefield of options out there and it’s difficult to know where to start! In her latest blog, Laura shares her top 10 things to think about.  By Laura Hayden Here’s my list of key considerations to help you understand where on earth to start when choosing HR software. […]

July 23, 2018


Explaining an Employee’s Dismissal to the Rest of the Team

In his latest blog, Nuhman discusses how to explain an employee’s dismissal to the rest of the team. By Nuhman Sharif You might have been in this unfortunate situation before. You have to dismiss an employee and perhaps you’ve wondered: ‘what should I tell the rest of the team? Do I tell them anything at […]

July 17, 2018


Managing Probations

Looking around the internet there are numerous blogs on probations, why we have them and the effective use of them. With so much literature out there, companies are still unsure of their use and how to effectively evaluate the performance or fit of a new employee. Tim gives his advice on how to manage probations. […]

July 13, 2018


How to Reduce Stress in your Workplace

Tim shares his top tips on how to reduce stress in the workplace. By Tim Frear “Mental ill health costs UK employers an estimated £34.9 billion each year – the equivalent of £1,300 for every employee in the UK workforce. Broken down, that’s £10.6 billion in sickness absence, £21.2 billion in reduced productivity, and £3.1 […]

July 10, 2018


How to Create an Authentic Workplace

In her first blog for us, Laura discusses authenticity in the workplace and how telling the truth is important for creating strong and successful work relationships. By Laura Higson-Kirrane In recent years, authenticity has sprung to the top of the list of buzz words we often see thrown around when discussing the work place and […]

July 4, 2018


Top down, bottom up!

Laura discusses how ditching a ‘top down’ approach to leadership can help you cultivate a more collaborative approach in your business.  By Laura Hayden The traditional model of leadership comes from the top and filters down through the organisation. This blog outlines why this leadership model belongs in the 19th century and should join Dinosaurs […]

June 29, 2018


4 Tips for Higher Team Productivity

Tim shares his 4 tips for achieving higher team productivity. By Tim Frear The success of a business is reliant on the productivity of its staff, and as such, is high on the agenda of most companies and teams. We are all usually measured in some way whether it’s formal KPIs or your manager evaluating […]

June 26, 2018


What does HR actually do?

Ah the dreaded question: What does HR actually do? Well here’s Becky to explain! By Becky Mee When people find out I work in HR, their automatic assumptions generally tend to fall into the following categories…. Some assume I love people, want to help them, am the office mother and constantly have a packet of […]

June 21, 2018


Conflict doesn’t always need mediation

In this blog, Tim discusses how a conflict doesn’t always need mediation.  By Tim Frear The employment relationship can be fragile and as we’re spending so much of our lives at work, when this relationship starts to break down, mediation is a great way to resolve issues and disputes. Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) […]

June 18, 2018


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