At HR180 we pride ourselves on taking the stress out of HR by doing things for you, however, should you wish to find out more yourself, this is the place! Useful articles, latest HR news, our quarterly bulletin and links to other helpful organisations are all here at the touch of a button.

Confused about Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z? And do you even care?

Ever felt yourself recently start to hear different phrases passed around the office, GIFs are utilised more than ever before and you’re seeing different ways of working within your team? #confusedemoji  It’s inevitable as we all age and grow that we tend to have a way of doing things and cling on to the way […]

September 3, 2023


Money makes the world go round… doesn’t it?

Money is important to a lot of people. But contrary to belief, it’s not always our biggest motivator. Think about it… What REALLY drives you to get out of bed every morning? Obviously, none of us work for nothing. Money is nice. And as business owners of course it’s a big part of what we […]

July 17, 2023


We’re all going on a summer holiday…

It’s that time of year again, the school holidays are fast approaching and we’re all thinking about booking some annual leave to enjoy the summer, whether that be home or away! The only problem is that we’re all trying to go at the same time. And as the one making all the decisions here, that […]

June 30, 2023


Creating an inclusive workplace

Compared to 10 years ago, we’ve come on in leaps and bounds when it comes to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. And that’s amazing. But there’s still work to be done, and the best place to start is by understanding what diversity and inclusion really means. They are different but go hand in hand. […]

May 24, 2023


Our short guide to probationary periods

  No matter how well someone comes across in an interview, or how vast their experience is, until they start working for you, you have no idea how it will all work out. That’s why most companies offer a probationary period- It gives you time to make sure they’re right for the job and it […]

April 26, 2023


Stress in the workplace – Stress awareness month

This month is stress awareness month and we have been thinking a lot about how as business owners, you can help your staff to manage their mental health and wellness.. While a little bit of stress is fine, knowing when it’s becoming an issue is very important, especially as an employer. That’s because too much […]

March 31, 2023


How to prevent bullying in the workplace

  Life isn’t always plain sailing and as leaders or business owners we can sometimes see unhappiness and unrest within our teams. How can we avoid these situations and create a positive environment for employees to thrive in? 1. Champion open and honest communication. This helps to provide a more comfortable environment for everyone and […]

February 22, 2023


Leadership & management, they’re the same thing right?

Do you reckon Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin would have made it to the moon if there wasn’t great team work to support, guide and lead them? Absolutely not. We all need great people around us to support our own metaphorical missions to the moon… and great leaders to get us there too. Great businesses […]

February 22, 2023


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