At HR180 we pride ourselves on taking the stress out of HR by doing things for you, however, should you wish to find out more yourself, this is the place! Useful articles, latest HR news, our quarterly bulletin and links to other helpful organisations are all here at the touch of a button.

What Fitbit can Teach you about Employee Wellbeing

Fitbits seem to have become a firm favourite across a wide range of ages and professions, but did you know this trend can also improve your employees’ wellbeing? Laura tells us how. By Laura Rigby Yes, ok, I’ll admit, I’ve joined the trend… I am now a fully-fledged member of the Fitbit crew. Disclaimer: other […]

December 18, 2017


Adverse Weather and the Cloud: Maintaining a successful business come rain or shine

Getting to work in bad weather conditions can be a real chore, and often cause an increase in stress and lateness in the workplace. Laura discusses how the Cloud can help… By Laura Rigby I read an article this morning about an upcoming winter frost. Apparently, we are due the coldest winter in a long […]

December 14, 2017


6 Things to Do as the Year Draws to a Close

As you wind down 2017 and prepare for the new year, it’s the perfect opportunity to complete tasks you never seem to get around to doing during the rest of the year. Here are Nuhman’s suggestions to get you started! By Nuhman Sharif As the weather gets colder and the nights longer, Christmas beckons and […]

December 12, 2017


Making it OK to fail and learn: Creating a safe Virtual Learning environment.

Whether you’re a technical whizz kid or the thought of a digital world sends shivers down your spine, it’s undeniable that Virtual Reality is becoming more that just a gadget or a fad. Becky tells us how VR can be used as a valuable learning and development tool for businesses. By Becky Mee I think […]

December 8, 2017


How to Plan a Cracking Christmas Party

The office Christmas party is the perfect great way of saying thanks to employees for everything they’ve done over the year. It’s a time for them to celebrate both their personal and the company achievements and just generally end the year on a high! However, all too often it can become a melting pot of […]

December 6, 2017


Getting ready for the General Data Protection Regulations

With new data protection regulations being enforced in May 2018, are you up to speed with what this means for your business? Tim shares his knowledge on the subject. By Tim Frear Many of us have heard about the General Data Protection Regulations (or GDPR for short) but what do we actually know about it? […]

November 30, 2017


Trust 101

Recent research has found that a lack of trust is a real problem in today’s world. Here’s everything you need to know, as well as some handy tips on how to build trust in your workplace. By the HR180 team

November 27, 2017


Shared parental leave for grandparents

As 2017 draws to a close, we can’t help but revisit an important legislation change happening next year – shared parental leave for grandparents. By the HR180 Team From next year shared parental leave will be extended to include working grandparents! This means working mothers will be able to end their maternity leave early, and […]

November 23, 2017


Tribunal Fees now paid for will lead to changes in insurance premiums.

Tribunal fees are being abolished in July 2018 which might seem like a result, however sadly it’s not all as good as it seems! Simon discusses some of the effects this decision will have on the system. By Simon Underwood The Supreme Court has ruled that tribunal fees will be abolished from 26th July 2018, […]

November 20, 2017


Tax Free Childcare: The Facts

Tax Free Childcare is the government’s latest program to help financially support parents returning to work after having a child. Our HR Officer, Isobel has all you need to know about this new scheme. By Isobel Hallam Any working parent will recollect the challenge of going back to work after having children. Trying to make […]

November 15, 2017


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