Tag: Discrimination

Tackling Reverse Sexism in the Workplace

Our HR Assistant, Simon Underwood, has a wide range of work experience from male dominated businesses to HR180, where the team is predominantly female, so who better to look into the matter of reverse sexism in the workplace – reverse sexism defined in this case where men are the object of sexist remarks. It can be a […]

September 19, 2016


Brexit and UK Employment Legislation – the impact and what you can do about it

With 4 weeks to go to the UK General Election, and Brexit high on the agenda, HR Manager Laura Rigby, takes to look at (so you don’t have to!) the Government’s 4 most likely priorities to review in respect of Employment Legislation. By Laura Rigby As we know, the UK will leave the European Union in […]

September 19, 2016


Are we to blame for girls thinking they are NOT brilliant!?

Within our everyday lives the messages we give out have a lasting impression – so at HR180 we want to encourage that the impressions we ALL leave are positive. In the wider world, are we falling short where the next generation is concerned – especially for girls? Last week a US study found that girls […]

September 19, 2016


Holocaust Memorial Day 2017: how diversity in business can help wipe out fear of difference

In a week where talk is all about the rise of the Right across the globe, the building of a wall to keep Mexicans out of the USA and the introduction of a new phrase, ‘alternative truths’, it is fitting that on Holocaust Memorial Day 2017, HR180 talks about how business leaders need to think […]

September 19, 2016


Modern slavery, employment policies and your business

With the jailing of a pair of Nottingham brothers for people trafficking and modern slavery this week (breaking 23/1/17) have you thought about your own business and how you can prevent this happening now and in the future?  HR180’s Modern Slavery Employment Policy to the rescue! In the 21st Century, slavery is happening worldwide – including […]

September 19, 2016


Is your dress code discriminatory?

MPs are demanding that legislation is enforced so cases like Nicola Thorp, PWC and ‘Heelgate’, which came to light last year, will be a thing of the past. At HR180 we are committed to helping employers build policies which go above and beyond the requirements of employment law. So what might this mean for you? […]

September 19, 2016


Fattism: workplace inequality

Leeds-based HR180 – your Outsourced HR and HR Consultancy experts – like to keep you up-to-date on issues affecting UK businesses. People Management magazine reports this week on new academic research from Strathclyde University which reveals ‘deeply unsettling’ gender inequality in the workplace related to perceived weight. This is something we blogged about earlier this […]

September 19, 2016





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