Tag: Pay and Benefits

Treating employees as adults: unlimited holidays?

As schools are in the midst of the 6 week break, many people will have their focus set on their summer holidays – one or at the most two weeks away from work in the sun… What if you could choose to take the whole 6 weeks off? Or perhaps a month off at Christmas to […]

September 19, 2016


Ten Tips for Summer Friday Fun in your SME business

With the summer firmly upon us, a few of the team have already enjoyed a week or two in the sun and it has been suggested  in the office that, after a holiday break, employees could really do with a phased return to work to get back into the swing! Whilst we’d be up for […]

September 19, 2016


5 (or 10!) a day: What role should employers play in employee health?

In part one of his health related blog, HR180’s HR Assistant, Nuhman Sharif, took a wry look at the most up to date Government guidance on the correct number of portions of fruit and veg we should eat daily. In this, part 2 in the mini series, Nuhman considers the role employers should play in […]

September 19, 2016


The Brexit Effect: good for employers, not so good for employees?

Now that Article 50 has been triggered, there will be week upon week of speculation as to what will happen to UK law post-March 2019…so we thought we would join in too! Here’s a look at one part of Employment Law – holiday pay and how things may change for the better or for the worse depending on […]

September 19, 2016


Are Apprenticeships poor value for money?

IFAHR180 provides outsourced HR services, HR projects and HR consultancy for clients across the globe. Nearer to home today (31/1/17), apprenticeships are hitting the UK headlines with an Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) report suggesting that the Government’s Apprenticeship scheme funded by an Apprenticeship Levy will be poor value for money and sets arbitrary targets. The think […]

September 19, 2016


Great British Bake Off: #GBBO teaches us that people are key

Leeds based HR180 supports organisations with Outsourced HR and HR Consulting throughout the UK. Expert opinion is one of our strengths – so here’s Claire Morley-Jones on lessons we can learn from the Great British Bake Off – and it’s not about avoiding a soggy bottom… For some, the big news of last week was ‘Brangelina’ and […]

September 19, 2016


What motivates us in the workplace? HRAs’ view!

The HR Outsourcing and Consulting experts at HR180 Ltd based in the Yorkshire business hub that is the City of Leeds regularly provide updates on business and employment issues. Today, HR180’s Smita Mistry and Emily Simpkin reflect on what motivates us in the workplace. We’d love to hear what motivates you and the people in your workplace. […]

September 19, 2016


Gender pay gap: a mum tax?

HR180 Ltd, the Leeds based experts in HR Outsourcing and Consultancy, is committed to flexible working for all employees and actively encourages all the team to develop their careers, irrespective of gender. But the recent Institute of Fiscal Studies report paints a bleaker picture for working mums. Our part-time Marketing Manager, Rachel Bentley, looks at the latest stats – and […]

September 19, 2016





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