Tag: Employee Wellbeing

Treating employees as adults: unlimited holidays?

As schools are in the midst of the 6 week break, many people will have their focus set on their summer holidays – one or at the most two weeks away from work in the sun… What if you could choose to take the whole 6 weeks off? Or perhaps a month off at Christmas to […]

September 19, 2016


Ten Tips for Summer Friday Fun in your SME business

With the summer firmly upon us, a few of the team have already enjoyed a week or two in the sun and it has been suggested  in the office that, after a holiday break, employees could really do with a phased return to work to get back into the swing! Whilst we’d be up for […]

September 19, 2016


5 (or 10!) a day: What role should employers play in employee health?

In part one of his health related blog, HR180’s HR Assistant, Nuhman Sharif, took a wry look at the most up to date Government guidance on the correct number of portions of fruit and veg we should eat daily. In this, part 2 in the mini series, Nuhman considers the role employers should play in […]

September 19, 2016


You mean there’s HR on board a Cruise Ship? Closing a ship.

In this two-parter HR Partner, Becky Mee tells first hand all about life on board a cruise ship from an HR perspective, in association with her friend, former Celebrity Cruise colleague and current co-worker, Tim Frear.  In this blog, Becky outlines the stages of ‘closing’ a ship and the lessons for any business, especially where a […]

September 19, 2016


You mean there’s HR on board a Cruise Ship? Opening a ship.

Following Becky Mee’s blog post detailing her experience of ‘closing’ the Celebrity Mercury, (an 1,890 passenger and 850 crew cruise ship) and transferring her to a sister brand, TUI, our HR Partner, Tim Frear, gives us a mirror image – opening a ship – with Reflecting on Reflection! By Tim Frear What ‘opening’ a cruise ship taught me about […]

September 19, 2016


‘Deadline to the breadline’: low savings worries affect workplace performance

Employers can help their employees to become more productive simply by helping with money worries. We look at two reports this year which taken together can help UK businesses to understand the link between lack of savings and poor performance – and what employers can do about it! By Rachel Bentley Employees in the UK […]

September 19, 2016


8 practical ways to promote workplace mental health well-being

On the day (1 June 2017) that research has been publicised which suggests that public sector staff are more likely to take sick days off for mental health causes than employees in the private sector, our HR Partner, Ellie Garnett, suggests ways in which employers can help – and why it makes sense to do […]

September 19, 2016


How to be happy in the workplace: International Day of Happiness 20 March 2017

With International Day of Happiness in mind, HR Manager, Ellie Garnett (who always has a cheery word at the ready, and is the life and soul of HR180) takes a look at what you need to do to maintain a happy outlook on life, with a slant towards the workplace of course! By Ellie Garnett You can take […]

September 19, 2016


National No Smoking Day: How quitting smoking helps businesses

On National No Smoking Day we asked for the low-down on quitting smoking, from a reformed smoker –  our HR Manager, Becky Mee. Becky kicked the habit and offers handy hints on how this is better for the person, team and business. by Becky Mee I admit it, I’m a reformed ‘Fag Ash Lil’. Plus I’m […]

September 19, 2016


Text driving – £200 and 6 points from March 2017: Employers know your responsibilities

Do you have a mobile phone policy in your Employee Handbook and specifically about using them whilst driving? You would be surprised how many businesses don’t. Yet March 2017 saw the introduction of tougher penalties for those caught using mobile phones whilst driving – even when stopped in a traffic jam – and employers will […]

September 19, 2016





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