At HR180 we pride ourselves on taking the stress out of HR by doing things for you, however, should you wish to find out more yourself, this is the place! Useful articles, latest HR news, our quarterly bulletin and links to other helpful organisations are all here at the touch of a button.

How to inspire your staff

Poor performance in the workplace is a problem for 96 per cent of UK organisations An article composed some time ago by Doug Crawford for People Management Magazine still holds true today and is well worth reading… Inspiring people is not easy – for most of us it takes time, effort and persistence. Few of […]

June 17, 2015


Tech-savvy young people ‘dislike’ online training

Understand how Gen Y wants to develop to uncover future talent – By Grace Lewis – 2 June 2015 Employers have been urged to pay more attention to developing young workers in their own organisations as CIPD research highlighted the risks of making false assumptions about how young people want to learn. Research outlined in the […]

June 10, 2015


Austerity and the impact on SME’s

Our head gaffa Claire Morley-Jones was invited to appear with Peg Alexander and Tanis Belsham-Wray on Made In Leeds TV last month to discuss Austerity and the impact on SME’s. Peg facilitated the viewpoints between Claire and Tanis, who is part of the ‘Leeds Youth Fights For Job’ demonstration group campaigning against another 5 years […]

June 10, 2015


Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR

The funds raised will contribute to the TCHC’s biggest ever campaign, aiming to raise £10 Million towards: Fully digital intraoperative 3T MRI scanner (a scanner in theatre to see in real time, real body parts rather than feeling your way!) Transform wards to provide extra special private rooms that include space for parents to stay […]

June 10, 2015


Take a break…. for better productivity

A poll of 3,000 workers found that 28% were worried that taking time off would make them a target for redundancy by making them look less committed than their counterparts. Other concerns cited were that, “work simply backs up while you’re away so what’s the point in having a break”, “having two weeks off means […]

June 10, 2015


Yorkshire created more jobs than France!

Unfortunately, as much as the control freaks want to – you can’t do everything on your own! Sometimes, no matter how much energy or talent you have, you reach a certain point where, in order to continue growth you need additional people. Mindset is an important part of this. During our HR careers we’ve have […]

June 10, 2015


Social Media Conundrums

There are four things to think about: •      Managing excessive, inappropriate or unproductive use •      Protecting yourself against the actions of an employee •      Monitoring use without being too Big Brother •      Guarding against the departure of an employee Once you’ve had a think about how you […]

June 10, 2015


BQ Emerging Entrepreneur Awards

Did you know… our head gaffa, Claire was identified as one of Yorkshire’s hottest prospects in business at the inaugural BQ Emerging Entrepreneur awards in Leeds in 2014.

Since winning the award Claire has continued to grow the business from its Garforth base. The team are expanding as are our range of services which now include ‘HR Temperature Checks’.

May 13, 2015


Raising funds for The Children’s Hospital Charity – Sheffield

HR180 Ltd, with the support of the Escrick community are hosting a ‘Family Fun Day’ on Sunday 24th May 2015, 2:00 – 4:00pm, to raise money for The Children’s Hospital Charity.

Claire Morley-Jones, Managing Director of HR180 Ltd and resident of Escrick has enlisted her employees from across North and West Yorkshire to organise a fun-filled afternoon at Escrick Village Hall in aid of the ‘Let’s make it better’ appeal.

May 12, 2015


Diversity and Equality

Ok, pop quiz! So what is Diversity and Equality?

a) Paying everyone the same
b) Working with ex-offenders
c) Recruiting people of all ages from all backgrounds
d) Making your workplace more disability friendly
e) All of the above?

May 11, 2015


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