Tag: Team Building

Coalition talks informing business: 6 top tips to help you lead disparate groups at work

The general election is fast becoming a distant memory for us but, at this point in time (late June 2017) the talks between the Conservatives and the DUP continue as the Conservatives try to forge a coalition government. If the two do join forces, whilst there are many similarities in goals, aims and objectives, they have […]

September 19, 2016


6 Ways nature can improve your business!

Hayley Gillard is an Ecotherapist and Team Builder Extraordinaire (she says self-proclaimed but we think actual!!) Having met our Gaffer, Claire, at a networking event, Hayley and Claire realised they had the same ethos around the importance of looking after your staff, how integral they are to organisational success and how failing to understanding staff needs could have […]

September 19, 2016


Be kind to yourself – tips to help manage stress in the workplace.

Did you know that April is Stress Awareness month? With the stresses and strains of modern life creeping into everything we do, we asked HR Assistant Nuhman Sharif to take a look at how to manage stress in the workplace.   by Nuhman Sharif Stress is something that we’ve all experienced at different times in our […]

September 19, 2016


Random Acts of Kindness: how’s your business doing? Here’s 6 ideas to help

This week marks Random Acts of Kindness week (#RAKWEEK2017). With its Random Acts of Kindness Generator to give us all great ideas of kind acts we can pledge, the organisation is promoting downright good manners and thoughtfulness as a remedy for this self-absorbed world we live in. HR180 Marketing Manager, Rachel Bentley, shares her thoughts. Perhaps […]

September 19, 2016





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