Tag: payroll

Assessing Potential: How does your workforce measure up?

Planning for succession within your organisation can be fraught with controversy! Do you bring experienced people in (if you are in the right place to put together an attractive package spend valuable time and money recruiting the right person)? Or would it be a better investment to promote from inside? And if so how do […]

September 19, 2016


Nationalisation or National Crisis? 5 reasons why it could be harmful to SMEs

With just under 3 weeks to the General Election, Claire Morley-Jones, MD and founder of HR180, takes a look at Nationalisation (as proposed in the Labour Manifesto) and why it could well be harmful for SMEs and workers alike.  By Claire Morley-Jones   Whilst the thought of yet another three weeks of election blurb fills me with […]

September 19, 2016


The journey of a new starter: My first week with HR180

The latest addition to the HR180 team is HR Assistant Simon Underwood who has joined us to support Tim’s and Laura’s clients. We asked Simon to tell us about himself and about his experiences as he undertakes his HR180 fast-track training. With a background in fitness and leisure management, and having spent time bringing up his […]

September 19, 2016


The Trade Union Act: From humble origins to modern day changes

With many Employment Law changes occurring this month, HR180’s HR Assistant, Nuhman Sharif, shares some background on the Trade Union Act which originated back in the C19th and is being updated right now. by Nuhman Sharif Have you ever wondered how we ended up with the original Trade Union Act of 1871 or who played a […]

September 19, 2016


Have you budgeted for statutory redundancy pay increases from April 2017?

How is your HR strategy looking for the next financial year? All in good shape? Got all your new minimum wage levels in place in your staffing budget and payroll? Yes, then well done! How about the new maximum redundancy rates coming into force April 2017? Ooooo, did we get you there? Never fear, HR180 is […]

September 19, 2016


Gig economy: two-thirds of ‘giggers’ should be given employment rights

HR180 help clients with their people issues, including employers’ relationships with those who are considered part of the gig economy. And in fact, as suppliers of professional, outsourced HR services we take our place as ‘giggers’ too! So it is interesting to read the article by Robert Jeffery of People Management Magazine looking at the CIPD’s […]

September 19, 2016


Will I have to pay the Apprenticeship Levy?

As the original outsourced HR company, HR180 offers commercial HR services to a vast range of business partners of all sizes across Leeds, Yorkshire, the UK and internationally. With the introduction of the new Apprenticeship Levy in April 2017, British businesses of all sizes have a role to play in improving apprentice training – but […]

September 19, 2016


HR view: Make sure you’re ready for the New National Minimum Wage

It’s that time of year again whereby the government applies a statutory increase to National Minimum Wage (NMW). Here our HR Assistant, Alisa Mistry, lays out the facts and figures for the new National Minimum Wage rates from April 2017. By Alisa Mistry   I know… it doesn’t seem two minutes since the last increase […]

September 19, 2016





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