Tag: Learning and Development

The Apprenticeship Levy, what SMEs need to do now

The Apprenticeship levy is now in force and companies with an annual wage bill of £3,000,000 or more should now be paying an additional 0.5% of their wage bill to the HMRC (minus the £15,000 allowance). Most companies, however, don’t realise that this pot of money is theirs to spend on development of their own […]

September 19, 2016


Be kind to yourself – tips to help manage stress in the workplace.

Did you know that April is Stress Awareness month? With the stresses and strains of modern life creeping into everything we do, we asked HR Assistant Nuhman Sharif to take a look at how to manage stress in the workplace.   by Nuhman Sharif Stress is something that we’ve all experienced at different times in our […]

September 19, 2016


Training Dogs

Gotcha! 1st April is our ‘official’ 11th birthday (just like the queen, we have 2) so we thought we might just have a little April Fool’s fun to mark the special date…though we will put our hand to virtually anything, and we have 2 office dogs here at HR180 Mission Control, we won’t be offering […]

September 19, 2016


Transition from University to work: why I chose HR

As the newest member of the HR180 Ltd team (Outsourced HR and HR Consulting experts based in Leeds) we asked Samantha Mitchell who recently graduated from Leeds Beckett University with a First Class Honours Degree in History, to tell us about why she made her career choice and about her journey to the HR180 team. My Journey – […]

September 19, 2016


How to live with a really bad decision

We’ve all been there, we’ve all made a bad decision at least once in our lives. Although making a poor decision is part and parcel of being a human being, it can often lead to unfavourable consequences which can be difficult to handle. But it is how you handle the fallout that really matters…. Someone […]

September 19, 2016





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