Laura Rigby
February 10, 2017
With 14th February looming, Valentine’s Day can be a joy for some, and a time of angst for others! Add to this an office romance and sparks can fly. How can you make sure your business doesn’t get burnt!? Let the HR180 superheroes fly in and save the day!
Employers and managers have a thin line to tread. With a workplace relationship, there is an element of respecting employees’ privacy and on the other hand mitigating any damaging impact on their business due to the distraction a romance brings with it. But what if there’s a feeling of resentment from other staff or uninvited sexual contact by a colleague? Here’s 5 quick ‘take-aways’ which may just help!
There will be situations you want to prohibit or have a policy in place for addressing workplace relationships, if the need arises. Make sure this is written into your Employee Handbook and well communicated to your workforce.
If you have employees that are in a relationship with each other, ensure that they are supported but explain that their relationship must be inconspicuous in the workplace.
Depending on what might be deemed inappropriate relationships, or times when relationships may blossom when you really wish they wouldn’t, take a close look at your organisational culture and work environment. Is it time to make clear what is acceptable and what is not?
It is paramount that as employers you show ‘zero tolerance’ of any activity which can be construed as sexual harassment. This means you need to make sure every member of staff knows what the disciplinary consequences will be. This should apply to work relationships and relationships with anyone staff are in contact with through the business.
Give your middle managers the tools they need – training for supervisors and line managers can help them discreetly deal with unacceptable sexual behaviour in the workplace.
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