How do you make sure that you don’t fall foul of the good work you put in throughout the redundancy process? How do you keep costs and the number of applications you receive at the right level? Read on for some top tips:
Try to recruit internally first
- Recruiting internally is good practice and should always be a first consideration
- You may find hidden talents in your workforce and, even if you don’t, it will build trust with those who have survived redundancy if you’re open about the fact that you still need to hire for some posts
- Be open and honest, ensure that people know what vacancies you need to fill and why, so that they don’t feel you’re hiding anything.
What’s worked well in the past
- There’s no need to re-invent the wheel
- How have you recruited in the past and what has worked well or not so well?
- This will help to keep costs to a minimum by not advertising in the wrong places
Be clear about who you need
- The competition for jobs is high, whilst this is not a bad thing you may receive more applications than anticipated and therefore the review process can be extremely time consuming
- It is therefore crucial that you are clear about the person, skills and background you’re seeking
- The right wording used in your advert will help keep unwanted applications to a minimum
Keep your website up to date
- You may find that in the past you’ve talked about growing the business but this kind of message is not appropriate to new employees or current employees who may find this message insensitive following a round of redundancies.
- Demonstrate positive language by using words such as ‘challenges’ and ‘opportunities’
Find out what people are saying about you
- Large communities of people are using social networking sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook to share their views and experiences
Need help… HR180 can help advise you on the best places to advertise and the correct wording to ensure you get the best applicants for the role, don’t delay call us today on 0845 458 5881.