Tim Frear
November 4, 2015
National Stress Awareness Day (NSAD) 4 November – Why not do something for your employees?
The purpose of the day is to encourage businesses and individuals to take positive steps in order to reduce stress – hopefully the benefits will be measured in terms of improved productivity and job satisfaction as well as reducing sickness absence. NSAD highlight that the main reasons for stress at work? Are increasing redundancies taking place in our current climate for one thing. Inevitably this leads to a lot of worries arising where people might wonder how they’ll get by or provide for their families.
Maybe you could encourage people to go for a walk at lunchtime, arrange on-site massages or encourage healthy eating within your organisation if you haven’t already.
Learn more as to the importance of this year’s theme “Employee Wellbeing as a Worthwhile Investment in Your Business” by visiting the NSAD website where you will find tools, leaflets and the offer of training courses.
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