Becky Mee
June 26, 2017
How can the challenges faced by the coalition be mirrored in the workplace? Our superhero Becky Mee, HR Partner, takes a look at how focusing on common ground can prevent conflict between disparate groups in the workplace.
The general election is fast becoming a distant memory for us but, at this point in time (late June 2017) the talks between the Conservatives and the DUP continue as the Conservatives try to forge a coalition government. If the two do join forces, whilst there are many similarities in goals, aims and objectives, they have very different agendas.
This can happen with different departments having different agendas which appear to conflict, but, they are all working towards the overall profitability of the company. If you are responsible for managing very different groups, or just must work with or between different ones, this can present some real challenges as you try to find harmony and common ground. So, what can you do to overcome this?
Focusing on the common ground and shared goals is key just like in the continuing coalition talks! How can this be achieved? Here are my 6 top tips to harmony in the workplace:
Might sound obvious, but if you have an allegiance to one side, step away from it and keep other people’s viewpoints in mind. Don’t play favourites.
Conflicting agendas can lead to politics when you are all just trying to achieve the same thing – be it a happy customer, overall profitability or just keeping a job! So, what do you have in common? Even if it’s one thing, identify it and keep achieving a ‘win/win’ central to everything you do.
Having identified what ‘win/win’ looks like, focus on it and ensure everything you do achieves it. Accept that compromise might be needed on all sides and be as fair as you can. This is where your relationships can come into play and carry real influence.
This could be not following common shared behaviours, following own agendas and being constructive in your feedback – focus on the facts. Getting personal only highlights divisions making it worse.
Communication and challenging behaviour that doesn’t deliver your shared goals are key here. If conflict festers, your coalition could fall apart….
Respect the other party’s view point and goals is key. If you don’t get the basics right yourself, who will? Set a positive example for your teams to mirror!
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