6 Things to Do as the Year Draws to a Close

As you wind down 2017 and prepare for the new year, it’s the perfect opportunity to complete tasks you never seem to get around to doing during the rest of the year. Here are Nuhman’s suggestions to get you started!

As the weather gets colder and the nights longer, Christmas beckons and many of us are frantically thinking about various things unrelated to work such as buying presents and planning family gatherings. You might find that your workload lessens as people wind down for the holidays, although this does depend on the industry you’re in! In the HR world, this time is rather precious, as it serves as a great opportunity to focus on the things that may not have been at the top of the agenda throughout the year.

Here are some handy tips on what you could be doing as 2017 draws to a close:

File Audit

Go through each employee file, put documentation in order and check that nothing is missing. Does every employee have the right to work in the UK for instance? Do you have up to date certificates for those employees who need them, such as forklift truck drivers and first aiders? Do all employees who require a DBS check have one? If not, get a plan in place to obtain these documents and arrange training courses if needed. You should also review your Company data retention guidelines – can any documentation be archived or destroyed?

Update Employee Personal Data

Ask your employees to update their personal details either via their online profile or by letting you know. Don’t forget to set a deadline though!

Update Noticeboards

If your notice boards are looking a bit shabby or are just out of date, take some time to put this right and be creative. Don’t forget to update online noticeboards too!

Trackers and Reports

Allow yourself to come back to work seamlessly by ensuring all of your report templates and trackers are renewed and good to go for the New Year.

Tidy your Work Area

Have a good clean and get rid of any clutter. If a lot of you do this, you might be able to fill a few boxes which you could donate to charity.

Plan for the New Year

Book in meetings for the New Year so you’re not rushing to do this when you’re back to work in January. Also think about the events and courses you might like to go to and make a note of them so you know when to book a place and when you need to attend.

If you need any more information or support on planning for next year, get in touch with the HR180 team and we’d be happy to help.